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This program is for you if...


  • Your voice is locked, you  have difficulty expressing your truth & boundaries.
  • You entertain men who breadcrumb you, like you're an option/convenience.
  • You hold yourself back, you fear that if you truly stepped into your power, you will lose the people you love, you'll get punished etc.
  • You feel underpaid & overwhelmed, you put others needs before your own, you fear speaking out your true desires.
  • You stay in a job you don't like, in a relationship where your needs aren't met, you tolerate so-so friendships.
  • You feel disconnected from your True Self.
  • You experience low self-esteem, self-doubt, or constant need for external validation.
  • You feel repression, shame, or discomfort around your body, beauty & sexuality.
  • You feel numb, not getting much pleasure out of life.
  • You play martyr, you don't know anything other than mother/caretaker role; you've lost connection to your true wants, needs and desires.
  • You have difficulty accessing your intuitive & psychic powers.
  • You're afraid of speaking of your interests in the esoteric, energetic realm.
  • You're afraid of showing and feeling your true emotions, you put on a happy face, live behind a mask of pretence.


Become The

Inviting you to a 6 week Transformative Journey..

Everything about yourself that you may have hidden out of fear of being too much, too intense, obnoxious, ugly, dirty, sinful, slutty, bad, selfish..in this course, rather than 'heal' it into something more pleasant and acceptable..we’re going to do something different: Embrace it, Love it & Lick it. 

Module #1

Queen of Darkness: The Descend into the Underworld, Facing the Shadows.

Module #2

The Death of The Nice Girl. Unlock my Voice; My Truth is Medicine.⠀

Module #3

This is MY Body, MY Pussy, MY Sex: Total Reclamation.⠀

Module #4

My Blood is Holy: Womb Activation.

Module #5

Witch, Oracle, High Priestess. I'm Fluent in Magic; I See Truth. 

Module #6

Becoming the Dragon. Primal Power | Wild Woman Activation

What you'll get

Access to 6 pre-recorded training modules, each module is 2.5 hours in duration.

Dark Feminine Activation & Integration through Transformational Journeys within each module.

Shadow Integration & Somatic Release Techniques to support your journey during & after the course.

Course Manual

Im ready to sign up

Yes! Unleash My Dragon

The Upgrade

  1. Becoming Embodied. We will move from living in our heads into the Body. 
  2. Self-Acceptance & Self-Love.⠀
  3. Integrating Dark Feminine Power.
  4. Increased standards for yourself.
  5. Connecting deeply to your body wisdom & feelings.
  6. Living & Speaking your TRUTH.
  7. Self-Worth: No more settling for breadcrumbs, no more going along with what others want, no more playing small or playing dead, no more martyr/nice girl/good girl, no more waiting things out until others change.⠀
  8. Upgrade in the caliber of romantic partners you attract and are attracted to. As you accept and love more of you, you will only be attracted to and engage with those who treat you the same or better.⠀


Fierce. Magnetic. Transformational. Intuitive. Creative. Seductive. Authentic. Powerful. Passionate. Confident. Mystic. Mysterious. Sovereign. Self-Authority. I’m True to Myself.  I Own my Truth. Death & Rebirth. Fearless. Wild Woman. Primal. Pleasure.

One Payment

€ 555

Pay in full

What’s included:

✔ Instant access to ‘Unleash the Dragon’ self-paced online course material: Video recordings & Manual

✔ Transformational Journeys guided by Handan

✔ Teaching of Shadow Integration Technique + Somatic tools for Emotional Alchemy

 ✔ Exclusive Private Facebook community peer-to-peer support

✔ Lifetime access +
available on Mobile App also


About Handan

Handan is a Transformative Coach, ThetaHealing Master Instructor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Shadow Integration Specialist, and Intuitive Healer with over 20 years of deep dive in the field of personal development utilising her expertise to facilitate profound transformation; unlock potential, peak performance, paradigm shifts and soul alignment. With over 125 seminars delivered and thousands of individual coaching sessions conducted, she has unmatched skills in facilitating breakthroughs,  quantum leaps & energy upgrades, empowering others in creating the life they desire, develop fulfilling relationships, embody their ideal physique, attract abundance, and align with their soul path and truth.

She particularly caters to women as she assists in integrating their dark feminine aspects, healing past traumas, and overcoming subconscious blocks and limiting programs. Through her guidance, women become unapologetic versions of themselves, confident in their authenticity & self-expression, own their radiance, unwavering sense of self-worth while claiming what they deserve.  


What students have to say

This course has been a life shifting course for me in so many ways. Firstly, it unveiled so many of my false assumptions and made me realize how strongly I am guided by shadow sub currents when assessing myself and my life. It then helped me understand how exactly I can go in working with these subcurrents and lovingly shift layers and layers of pain and hurt accumulated. All in all, this course connected me to my body like I have never been connected before, I feel that my voice has now become a much more authentic connection to who I truly am. My nervous system calmed down and I have the tools to understand how I can manage all the emotional turmoils I am going through. But the most magical thing that happened is that I finally felt connected to sensuality and self love - I became much more forgiving to myself and so at peace with my choices. I also feel co-dependency patterns no longer hold power over me as I have awakened my primal part that tolerates no shit😂. I can see the effects of the course as I extract myself from many things that are toxic or unnecessary and as I start seeing very clearly my path. I am beyond grateful to Handan for holding this container with so much love, openness, clarity and determination. This is once in a lifetime experience of meeting one’s one self with Grace.

Katia K.

Handan is a highly relate-able teacher. She shares everything she knows without holding back.. including vulnerable stories from her own life.
This workshop was not only a concise curation of the best information and practices out there about the topics and concepts covered, it also contained a lot of powerful journies & tools created by Handan.
I also love that its presented in a way that is grounded and not in a typical new age template.
This workshop has brought me awareness of dormant/suppressed parts of me.. helped finally understand what it means and how to integrate them.
Just beginning to integrate them has resulted in helping me better love & embody my feminine body & power more fully. I have already felt and seen a big change both in the way I feel inside and the way my environment responds to me.
Handan is able to create a safe container for participants which makes it effortless to deep dive to the root cause of your blocks.
She’s also very caring about her students both individually and as a group.
Can’t recommend it enough.. just do it!

Hala S.

Hey Handan, your ‘Unleash the Dragon’ workshop is extremely powerful. There are 4 key things that I managed to unlock:

1/ reconciling the light and the dark, the yin and the yang - to start experiencing wholeness within myself. Becoming my own Twin Flame.

2/ Giving the permission to men / divine masculine archetypes to give and feeling great receiving from them/ being a princess. Receiving from the universe through these channels. Feeling great receiving in general and that I don’t need to be a “slave” and work “hard” to be allowed to receive.

3/ Continue to set boundaries / being ok to be a “bitch”, being totally ok with being assertive (I thought I was 100% there but I was not)

4/ Being more connected to my dark feminine, the wild, the ugly, the sensual, the witch, feeling my body, being in my lower chakras especially the sacral and learning how to activate it. Before this course, I was more focused on the higher chakras / going to the light as opposed to descending into the body/earth. I also had a lot of clarity in terms of life purpose, I know that at some point I’ll start a philanthropy to help empower women, not sure about timeline and how but it’s just a strong knowing that got reinforced by the workshop.

Another consequence is my ability to receive money with ease, and knowing how to set and hold appropriate boundaries with it. I feel confident that I can attract a man who’s my match: Someone who’d love to be with an independent woman yet knows how to honour his woman like a goddess; protects & provides on all levels. I am extremely grateful for the safe space you offered me. As you know your energy and presence are super powerful, I was in a theta state most of the time during the 6 classes. I didn’t feel my mind needed to process what you were sharing and teaching, I could feel it on a cellular and energy level. Thank you so much. 

Radia S.

When I enrolled for this course, I had no idea what I was going to achieve at the end of it. And what I achieved was “me”. A part of “me” which was lost, a part of me which was ignored by nobody else but me. Thank you Handan for empowering me to live my life queen size. My biggest take away from this course has been the techniques you taught towards the end of every session. My highlight was how I saw myself as a carefree, naughty side in the core self everytime I did that activity and how I felt so trapped in the avatar space. The tools you provided enables me to see these avatars but also release them which gives me a sense of freedom. Handan⁩ I can’t thank you enough for making me experience this side of my life ❤️

Ishita S.

Whether it was conscious or not, I have grown up believing deep down that power was linked to testosterone and that whatever I could possibly do I couldnt win against men, that they have the physical power so they win and I would forever be at their mercy if I’d upset them. So I have played nice my whole life. And now I am not, I value female expressions and see power in them. I chose this incarnation, a female body, a strong body, it must be for a reason. My womb is powerful, not a nuisance. My female expressions heal and create, destroy and elevate. I receive just by being. I hold the space for my fellow sisters but also for my brothers and men around me, they all appreciate and hold the space for me. I feel completely worthy of a man’s love. I don´t need to manipulate him into loving me, nor do I need his love and presence to feel worthy. Thank you for this powerful insightful course Handan. I am grateful for what might be my thenth course with you. You will forever be part of my spriritual awakening, and grateful to have manifested you for my womb activation. Keep shining Queen.

Nawal O.

When I usually experience healing sessions, yes I do feel good after the integration period but I’ve never ever experienced the physical shift so quickly!

While still in the middle of the course, content started coming to me and I was pushed by an unexplainable force to plan a day workshop to just hold space for my clients and speed up the manifestation process for anything they work on, and after 1 day of posting it only on 2 private groups within my community, I reached capacity , with no efforts , with no pursuing, with no fear of not getting the numbers wanted, each and every one of them was just drawn to me, and I know that this happened because of a shift that happened somewhere along these 6 weeks I did the course with Handan, and I think I even know the moment it did !

So I’m extremely grateful for crossing paths , that was my very first interaction with Handan, and definitely not the last ! Now I birth my events, I birth my thoughts, and I birth every single project that I want to create !

Yara C.

This course is designed to make real shifts that stay with you and not only a “short high” that you feel right when you come out of a fresh course. It helped me integrate parts of myself I never knew existed, was a great reminder of the truly unlimited power I have within, and made me fall in love even more with the wild multidimensional woman that I am. Thank you Handan for sharing and holding space. You can really see how much heart you put into that and that’s what makes the course so deep, authentic and powerful.

Zeina A.

Hi love! I wanted to thank you for the course. I loved the journeys you took us through as I feel they were the most transformative experiences. I still go through the module 3 journey from time to time to release emotions. I feel more connected to my womb space and my intuition is sharper than ever! To be honest I’ve been looking at myself in the mirror a lot more but now it’s more in admiration than criticism. I used to look at myself with criticism, wishing I was this and that. Now I look at myself with love and total admiration! Thank you for helping me love myself❤️

Lorate H.

Woman, that course was epic!

So many things coming up from the shadow that i am learning how to embrace and integrate also my powers are surfacing, my dreams my ability to see things beyond the veil for myself and around me.

I am still moving through all of this and welcoming what’s coming up and you have given us tools to navigate it. After our last session i felt so in my body like i have never felt before, felt so in love with myself but from a place of peace where my nervous system was calm.

I want more for myself and i deserve more for myself and this class gave that to me and the ability to keep giving myself all that and more ❤️

Dana A.S.

Dear Handan 🐉

Thank you so much for creating such a beautiful and powerful vessel to activate the dark feminine🥀🌹🔥

As I journeyed with you and the other women in the container, you held space for me to connect with my shadow and embrace her for all she is. Parts of me I numbed felt safe to bring to life again. It wasn’t just about awareness, the course helped guide me into the depths of the unknown with a deeper respect and reverence for the woman in me through exploration and embodiment of my authentic expression. I released deep rooted blocks in my body that shaped most of my life and that was truly liberating. The tools and learnings in your classes and this container are ones that I would continue to use beyond our weekly sessions. Thank you beautiful dragon 🐉 🙏🏻

Adrienne L.